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Your product selection from Reverence Farms

1/8 Devon Beef (35 lbs)

$299.00 per package

New Zealand Red Devons produce exquisite beef that is unique in the world in its tenderness and melt-in-your-mouth experience. You will not find better beef anywhere. The taste is clean and the melty fat crisps up the outside perfectly.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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About Reverence Farms

Reverence Farms is a diversified, thriving polyculture where animals are treated with reverence and grace, earthworms are cherished, and all critters eat a species-appropriate diet. That means our cows and sheep eat grass. We have a herd of Jersey dairy cattle like no other and produce 100% A2A2, 100% grass-fed milk. We feed our birds and pigs a locally milled and organic ration, and all enjoy a full complement of living food and fresh forages with rhythmic and frequent pasture moves. We no longer sell raw milk. Our beef, pork and lamb is raised with exacting standards and is what allows us to expand what is possible in compassionate, cows-raise-their-own-babies dairy. We are at the cutting edge of regenerative agriculture. Join us!


Reverence Farms
1568 Haw Ranch Rd
Graham, NC 27253

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1/8 Devon Beef (35 lbs)

$299.00 per package

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New Zealand Red Devons produce exquisite beef that is unique in the world in its tenderness and melt-in-your-mouth experience. You will not find better beef anywhere. The taste is clean and the melty fat crisps up the outside perfectly.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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